Slezský sborník
rok 2018
ročník 116
číslo 1
Zdeněk KRAVAR: Kirchliche Organisation im heutigen Hultschiner Ländchen im Licht der erhaltenen Matrikeln – ein historischer Rückblick
s. 5–13
Parish Organizations in Today's Hlučín Region in the Light of Preserved Registers – Historical Look Back
The article presents an outline of the historical development of the ecclesiastical organization of the Hlučín region, which has a specific position among the other border regions of today's Czech Republic. Although the Hlučín region was part of Germany from 1742 to 1920, it belonged to the (Arch)Diocese of Olomouc, so the church development progressed continuously with the development in neighbouring Austria. The text outlines the basic features of this development, which are complemented by the overview of the most important archival materials on this subject - parish registers.
Petr KADLEC: Průmyslové pokračovací školství v rakouském Slezsku do první světové války: základní vývojové tendence
s. 15–34
Industrial Continuing Education in Silesian Austria until World War I: Basic Development Trends
The study is concerned with the development of educational training for apprentices in Silesia. The aim of the author is to show the basic developmental tendencies of the so-called industrial continuing schools (Fortbildungsschulen), to show their place in the educational system and the role they played in the education of youth, whose professional application was later associated with industry or the operation of various craft trades. The study is focused on the period of the last third of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, i.e. the time of establishment and dynamic development of Silesian continuing schools. It provides an insight into the organization of studies and the composition of pupils. The all-land perspective is complemented by pieces of knowledge from specific locations and school institutions. Particular attention is paid to the school in Bruntál, by the example of which some phenomena of a more general nature are documented.
Stanislav KNOB: Centralisté = komunisté? Příklad Ostravska
s. 35–56
Centralists = Commiunists? Example of Ostrava region
Czech Social Democracy has undergone a complex development, in which it split several times into several camps. Probably the least explored and reflected split is the one into the so-called Autonomists and Centralists, shortly before the First World War. Although both of these streams reunited after the war, many differences of opinion persisted, and so, in the next split, many Centralists joined the ranks of the newly-established Communist Party. This assertion can be proved by the example of the Ostrava Region.
Ivana KOLÁŘOVÁ: Bezpečnostně-politické poměry na Hlučínsku očima pořádkového aparátu v období mezi volbami 1935 a Mnichovskou dohodou
s. 57–81
The Security-Political Situation in the Hlučín Region as Seen by the Security Apparatus between the 1935 Elections and the Munich Agreement
The study describes and analyzes the most prominent manifestations of the intensifying security-political situation in the Hlučín region as well as the forms in which the state authorities and, in particular, the security troops, responded to the situation. In general features, we focus on a period that is defined by two important points, namely the parliamentary elections of 1935, and the signature of the Munich Agreement at the end of September 1938. Attention will also be paid to the views of regional public officials on the state-security conditions in the Hlučín region. The research is mainly based on the agenda of the security apparatus, as well as chronicle and public press.
Dušan JANÁK – Ondřej KOLÁŘ: Výzkum dějin retribuce v obvodu Mimořádného lidového soudu Opava – stav, východiska a perspektivy
s. 83–97
Research on the History of Retribution in the District of the Special People's Court in Opava - Status, Bases and Perspectives
The study focuses on the phenomenon of the so-called retribution after World War II presented on the example of the Western Czech Silesia region, namely the district of the Special People's Court in Opava, active from 1945 to 1948. The authors recapitulate the research that has been made so far into this area and address the perspectives of further research. The study explores the possibilities of using other types of sources and analyzes the significance and limits of the relevance of the retribution agenda for understanding the political and social history of the region in the 1930s and 1940s.
Tereza VALIHRACHOVÁ – Miroslav STANIK: Působení závodních rad na řešení sociálních otázek v Třineckých železárnách a železárnách a drátovnách v Bohumíně
s. 99–118
The Functioning of Work Councils in Dealing with Social Issues In Třinec Ironworks and Iron and Wire Works in Bohumín
This article is devoted to workers councils in steel works in the Czech part of the Silesian region after 1945-namely in Třinec and Bohumín. Workers councils represented majority of employees and were entitled to cope with various problems which affected daily life, nevertheless this paper does not deal with all of them. First pages focus in general on the situation in Czechoslovakia after 1945 and the second part covers the role of workers councils as deciding body within steel works.
Recenze a zprávy o literatuře / Reviews and Brief Notices (s. 119–121)
Jana DAVIDOVÁ GLOGAROVÁ – Jaroslav DAVID, Obrazy z cest do země sovětů: České cestopisy do sovětského Ruska a Sovětského svazu 1917–1968. (Martin Doljeský); Lubomír HLAVIENKA, Slovenská armáda 1939–1945. (Ondřej Kolář); Jana KASÍKOVÁ, Ať mohou přijeti. Organizace poválečné repatriace a návratů 1942–1947. (Jiří Friedl)
Kronika / Chronicle (s. 123–125)
Na Slezské univerzitě debatovali o ideologiích a emancipaci. (Tomáš Krömer); Konference Voices of the Home Fronts: Reflections and legacies of the First World War. (Ondřej Kolář); Workshop Tradiční a nové menšiny ve Slezsku od roku 1945, Opava 19. listopadu 2018 (Ondřej Kolář)
Poslední aktualizace článku: 15.07.2019
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