Martin SLEPIČKA: K nejstarším zobrazením sv. Řehoře Velikého v českém umění do konce 14. století / To the oldest depictions of St. Gregory the Great in the Bohemian Art until the end of 14th century
(s. 1–10)
The article deals with the oldest depictions of St. Gregory the Great in the Bohemian Medieval Art in the period before the arrival of some new iconographic motifs in the 15th century. The text represents a first attempt to describe the origins of St. Gregory the Great cult in the Bohemian Medieval lands and also informs about the iconographic types and various iconographic details on the most relevant examples of the Bohemian St. Gregory's depictions. The first image of St. Gregory the Great, as the Pope with the papal tiara, was discovered in the Bohemian Medieval Art in the 12th century and, in the next two centuries, he was strictly depicted as a simple standing or seated figure of the Pope or as the Pope writings in the scriptorium.
Keywords: Middle Ages, Bohemian Medieval Art, Christian iconography, Hagiography, St. Gregory the Great
Kateřina VAĎUROVÁ: Středověké skleněné kroužky z Opavy / Mediaeval glass rings from Opava
(s. 11–23)
This article presents one group of mediaeval glass products in Opava, glass rings, in the context of the Bohemian lands and Central Europe. The glass rings from Opava are dated, on the basis of pottery, to the late 13th and early 14th centuries. In this period, the occurrence of glass rings in archaeological sites in Central Europe was already on the wane. Most of the glass rings were obtained during the excavations in the Dominican Monastery in Opava in the 1970s, only one specimen was found in the Lower Square. Attention will be paid both to the question of the origin of these rings from our countries and their production as well as to their possible function.
Keywords: Glass rings, Middle Ages, Opava, Dominican Monastery
Oldřich NOVOTNÝ: Z historie sochařské výzdoby Smetanových sadů v Olomouci do konce druhé světové války / From the History of Sculptural Decoration of Smetanovy Sady in Olomouc until the End of the Second World War
(s. 24–35)
The study deals with the history of sculptural decoration of Smetanovy Sady in Olomouc. It focuses on the works created before the end of the Second World War and summarizes the relatively little studied topic, based on the research of available sources and literature. The work emphasizes historical and art-historical context of individual works and evaluates their importance in relation to their function and their placement within the park. The authors of non-anonymous sculptures are briefly introduced as well.
Keywords: sculpture, Olomouc, Smetanovy Sady, art history, Rudolf Březa, Julius Pelikán
Miroslava SUCHÁNKOVÁ: Betlémy ze sbírek Slezského zemského muzea / Nativity scenes from the collections of the Silesian Museum
(s. 36–53)
An interesting collection of historical nativity scenes documenting the nativity-scene tradition in the territory of Czech Silesia and Northern Moravia from the end of the 18th century to the present forms part of the rich ethnographic collection of the Silesian Museum. The study outlines the development of this collection, describes it comprehensively and evaluates it from various perspectives.
Keywords: nativity scenes, crib, the Holy Family, Silesia, Silesian Museum, folk tradition, woodcarving
Pavel ŠOPÁK: Hrdinové a oběti. Hodnoty a příběhy. Muzejní reflexe první světové války na Moravě a ve Slezsku – prolegomena k výzkumu / Heroes and Victims. Values and Stories. Museum reflection of the first world war in Moravia and Silesia - A prolegomenon to the research
(s. 54–68)
The paper deals with the specific aspects of the musealization of the First World War, military presentation of the military (war) traditions during the war and in the post-war period, and draws attention to the specifics of the museum activities, especially exhibitions held during the war years. The examples, on which the general aspects are shown, have been selected especially from the Moravian and Silesian regions, but also the general trends from the entire territory of Czechoslovakia are taken into account.
Keywords: Moravia – Silesia – Ostrava – World War One – Austrian Patriotism – Czechoslovak Legion – Art Exhibitions – Documentation of the Present Times
Miroslav DAŇHEL – Milan PASTRŇÁK: Římská mince z Václavovic
(s. 69–72)
Libor MARTINEK: Korespondence Wilhelma Przeczka s Jindřichem Zogatou z let 1981–1992. Část II. Leden 1988 – červenec 1987
(s. 72–83)
(s. 69–83)
Vzácné životní jubileum Niny Pavelčíkové (Pavel Šopák), Bibliografie Niny Pavelčíkové (Pavel Šopák)
(s. 99–101)
Ondřej Kolář a kol., Slezsko a Ostravsko v Masarykově republice (Nina Pavelčíková)
(s. 102–107)
Co nám říká sto let republiky o historickém vědomí? (Ondřej Kolář), Funkcionalismus (Ilona Pavelková).
Poslední aktualizace článku: 19.06.2020
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