The Nový Dvůr Arboretum Stěbořice

Opening hours and entry

 Exhibition premisesOtevřenoEntry
Permanent exhibition

The Nový Dvůr Arboretum
Nový Dvůr 29
746 01 Stěbořice
tel.: +420 733 739 173
e-mail: arboretum.pokladna(at)

from 1. 3. to 31. 3., from 1. 10. to 30. 11.
daily 8-16 hours

from 1. 4. to 30. 9.
daily 8-18 hours

100/50 CZK

240 CZK 

Other services and reduced admission

Photography and filming for commercial purposes Solely on the basis of prior agreement According to contract
Groups of 10 or more people Only following prior reservation 20 % reduction
Reduced entry to permanent and temporary exhibitionsFree entry to permanent and temporary exhibitions

Members of Friends of Fine Art Society (KPVU)

Children and young people between 6 and 18 years of age

Family (2 adults + max. 3 children)


Students and holders of ISIC/ITIC

Holders of EYCA

Members of Čtyřlístek childrens’ club

Members of the Fund for Children in Need

Children up to 6 years

Holders of honorary and complimentary tickets issued by the Silesian Museum

Pass holders of the Association of Museums and Galleries of the Czech Republic

Pass holders of the International Council of Museums (ICOM)

Holders of physical disability (ZTP, ZTP/P) cards and people accompanying them

Pedagogical accompaniment of school parties

Arboretum Nový Dvůr
tel. 553 661 031
říjen - březen 8 - 16 hodin
duben - září 8 - 18 hodin

Article last updated: 27.05.2024

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