Úvod \ Aktuality

Slezské zemské muzeum

Universal and Human

Universal and Human

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Místo konání:
Historická výstavní budova

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Doba konání:
07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


Polské umělkyně Ewa Jaworska a Katarzyna Kroczek-Wasinska vystavují ve Slezském zemském muzeu!

Srdečně zveme na výstavu moderního umění, která se koná od 7. 6. do 31. 8. 2023 v Historické výstavní budově.

Vernisáž proběhne 7. 6. od 17 hodin - na akci je vstup volný.

Výstava vznikla v rámci spolupráce se Slezskou univerzitou v Katovicích (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach).

Ewa Jaworska and Katarzyna Kroczek-Wasinska exhibit their works in the museum!

The opening will take place on June 7 from 5 p.m.

We cordially invite you to the exhibition of modern art, which takes place from 7 June to 31 August 2023 in the Historic Exhibition Building (Opava).

The exhibition was created in cooperation with the Silesian University in Katowice (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach).


Ewa Jaworska

I graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, graphic department in Katowice.
I am the graphic artist, but I also have been dealing with drawing, animation, and graphic design.
My professional experience has been related to artistic education for many years.
My artistic activities have alway been connected with a human being. I am involved and attracted in different parts and stages of his life.
Now I present the series of prints in linocut and collagography techniques. Each of series is made from one matrix. That proces started being incredible significant, absorbing and inspiring. Intentionally, I interfered with the reflection process in order to obtain the most diverse reflections out of one matrix. I also led the image, the result, to complete destruction. I studied the image that can be created thanks to one matrix. The whole process I was guided by the thought of Stefan Themerson. These words are – we are happening and we will stop happening someday. The movement seems to be fundamental here. My life as well as other people’s lives are filled with daily hustle and bustle. I am strongly convinced that our everyday activities shape us constantly.

Katarzyna Kroczek-Wasinska

Artist and digital graphic designer. Combines traditional techniques with digital media and animation, and, recently, with the latest digital technology: Augmented Reality.
In 2000 she commenced studies at the Faculty of Graphics, in the field of Graphic Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. In 2005 she obtained an honourable diploma. Since 2005 she has been working in the New Media Institute at the Cieszyn Faculty of Art at the Silesian University in Katowice, where she obtained a doctoral degree in 2010, for which she obtained the Scientific Award for an outstanding doctoral thesis. In 2017 she obtained her Post-doctoral degree the Silesian University in Katowice.
She is a winner or a number of awards and distinctions. Her graphic works are appreciated worldwide. They have been presented nationally and worldwide during her solo and group exhibitions in such galleries as: The Boyle Family Gallery Lindenwood University, Saint Charles, Missouri, USA; Gallery 215 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, USA; UNAM National University, Faculty of Art and Design, Mexico; Gallery Zed, Leuven, Belgium; Palazzo Ca ’Zanardi, THE ROOM Contemporary Art Space, Venice, Italy, Lessedra Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria; Kotolňa Art Gallery, Kosice, Slovakia; Nemzetiségek Háza Art Gallery, Szeged, Hungary; the Ján Palárik Theatre Art Gallery in Trnava, Slovakia, The New Gallery of the Design Centre, Gdynia, Poland, The Gallery of the Polish Radio, ”Na Żywo” (Live) Katowice, Poland, The Silesian Culture Centre, Palace in Nakło Śląskie, Poland, The Municipal Art Gallery MM in Chorzów, Poland, Fregata Museum of the Dar Pomorza (Gift of the Pomerania) Ship, Gdynia, Poland, International Centre For Graphic Arts, The Centrum Art Gallery, Kraków, Poland.
Katarzyna Kroczek-Wasinska is the author of articles, member of research projects, workshops, conferences organized in Poland and abroad: in Japan, the USA, Austria, Slovakia etc. She is the co-author of the International Festival of Art and Independent Games where she was the Technical Director between 2018 and 2019. Since 2019 she has been the director of the Design of Games and Virtual Space. She also works in the Artistic and Design School Complex in Tarnowskie Góry.


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